Kirjanpitotoimisto Kaleva is an accounting firm based in Tampere and it history from more that half a century. Kaleva relaunched in 2023.

We have a great deal of experience, having worked for more than 15 years in a variety of diverse roles in financial management, auditing, human resources, legal and business development. In addition to our practical expertise, we hold a number of qualifications that reflect our skills, such as KTM, KHT, KLT, PHT, JHT and HT.

Almost everyone in our team are shareholders in our company, which means that quality work and a genuine entrepreneurial spirit go hand in hand to provide the best possible service to our customers.

Kirjanpitotoimisto Kaleva Oy was authorised by the Taloushallintoliitto (Financial Management Association) on April 18th, 2024.

We exist for you and your business.

Our approach is based on a personal service relationship with the client, so you always know who you can contact. We don’t have faceless teams, we have real, competent people.

We take great care to provide you and your business with a reliable and high-quality service. This is guaranteed by the high level of expertise of our team, which is maintained through up-to-date training. We also have two authorised accountants under one roof, making local support for even the most demanding cases easily and quickly available. We check the quality of our accounting work on the same principles as the auditing activities carried out in the company.